Since there’s no other company like E/S Collab., some questions about us understandably get asked more than once.
What services does E/S Collab. provide?
E/S Collab provides clients with business affairs, commercial and strategic advice. You can find our full list of services here.
Does E/S Collab. provide legal or tax advice?
E/S Collab. does not provide tax advice, legal advice or legal services. We are able to assist clients with obtaining legal advice, tax advice or sign-off through our network of law firms and tax accounting firms in the United States and Australia.
What is the difference between business affairs services and legal services?
Business affairs services are traditionally associated with the commercial side of deal making - i.e. the negotiation of deal points. We specialize in assisting clients with the deal making process and are able to paper certain deals, but clients may elect to have legal advisors prepare agreements or provide legal advice on agreements or points of law. Importantly, E/S Collab. is not a substitute for the advice or services of an attorney.
What is the benefit of using E/S Collab.?
We tend to be more involved in the commercial aspects of the deal and we prefer to act as an extension of our clients' businesses - think of us as your in-house business affairs team.
We make ourselves readily available for our clients, their needs and questions, promptly turning things around, without ever compromising on quality.
And apart from the ‘nothing but good vibes’ attitude, more on what we bring to the table can be found here.
Are there specific budget levels you work with?
We work with budgets of all shapes and sizes and structure fees accordingly. We’ve worked on tiny $150K movies to multimillion co-productions of over $20M. We know it’s important to keep flexible in this ever changing business.
Do you also work on short films?
Yep! We love shorts! See above FAQ.