Industry specific tools and resources.
Production Resources
We’ve got a couple of our own production management tools and as we do, we’ll make them available here. If you have suggestions, thoughts, constructive criticisms - drop us a line. We’re always looking to improve.
E/S Collab. Crash Courses and Labs
From time to time, E/S Collab. holds crash courses and labs for emerging producers looking for practical information that can be used and implemented right now. Our courses are not designed to replace the expertise of legal or business affairs representatives, but to help creative producers understand the important questions to ask, the conversations needed to be had with collaborators and stakeholders early on, and the instructions to give their team, in order to ensure their short-term, long-term and project’s goals are met.
Other Resources + Tools
Partnerships + Collaborations
“Collab”’s in the name. We’re always up for partnering with like-minded individuals and organizations in building the industry. Past partnerships have included NYU Production Lab, The Gotham, The Video Consortium, Pano, Screen ABC and Australian International Screen Forum, amongst others. When there’s something going on, we’ll publish it below.