Music, Docs and The Art of Fair Use with KATY ALIMOHAMMADI CROWN

We all know documentaries can take certain liberties that scripted film and tv shows can’t and those of us operating in the unscripted world are thankful for it! Meet the culprit - U.S. fair use laws. We were joined by Katy Alimohammadi Crown current business and legal affairs at A24 and former partner of Donaldson Callif Perez, a firm renowned for specializing in unscripted and documentaries. Katy carved out some time to run us through the pros and cons of fair use, how it plays out in scripted vs. unscripted productions, using music in music documentaries, and the main topic that made us reach out to her - do people appearing in a documentary need to sign releases or is implied consent enough? Safe to say - the answer was not a simple one. 

Note: We reference this very helpful website in this episode!


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